This legend takes root when the Inca Empire falls, when Pizarro has for prisoner the Emperor Atahualpa who proposes to give a ransom in exchange of his freedom. So he promises to give to the Spanish invader the richness of the great Paititi.
It would be a huge city, covered by the Amazonian vegetation density, on the eastern side of the Peruvian Andes. It would have accommodated nobles and major Inca priests on the run, as well as a wonderful treasure. Several legends exist about what is present in this mysterious city, the El Dorado, disappeared from the Inca Empire but no one knows the exact truth.
This last years, a French man, Thierry Jamin, multiplied the researches in the region of Madre de Dios, between the Amazonia and the Andes. Maybe the discovery of a mythic site and what it contents is not so far…